Hmmm…Study Says You Shouldn’t Drink Coffee After a Concert Because It Could Hurt Your Hearing

The next time you go to concert don’t drink coffee for a while afterward. Based on a new study, it could hurt your hearing.

Scientists suspected certain substances hurt the ear’s ability to recover, so they exposed a group of female albino guinea pigs to 110-dB “pure tone sound”, which is equivalent of a rock concert, for a full hour on two occasions.

Half were given 25mg of caffeine for 15 days, while the other half went without. A day after listening to the sound, both groups showed similar hearing impairment. But after eight days, the caffeine-free group’s hearing had recovered almost completely, whereas the caffeine group still had difficulty.

Their research confirmed that exposure to loud noise coupled with daily consumption of 25mg of caffeine had a clear negative impact on hearing recovery.

Just try to avoid coffee or soda temporarily after a concert or other noisy encounter.