About Craig Rogers

Posts by Craig Rogers:

What Is The Most-Searched Tourist Spot In California?

Photo of hollywood blvd.California has long-been the most-visited state in the nation. Partially due to our weather. But Also, we have more tourist attractions than anyone else! Now, a new study broke down the most-searched tourist spot by state. According to Google data: ours is NOT the Hollywood Sign, TCL Chinese Theatre, the Golden Gate Bridge or the Santa Monica Pier. It’s Disneyland!

A new “Guardian” study on global air pollution just found the 10 worst places to live (in the US) based on what we’re breathing. Unfortunately, California didn’t fare so well. Topping the list is Bakersfield. And right behind (at #2) is South LA – so… Compton, Maywood & Paramount. Overall, we got dinged with the worst air quality out of all 50 states.

TCL Chinese Theater Will Spotlight The Hand & Footprints Of Kobe Bryant

Photo of Kobe BryantFor the first time ever, the famed TCL Chinese Theater will spotlight a permanent display on its public forecourt: The hand and footprints…… of Kobe Bryant! Back in 2011, Kobe became the first athlete to put his prints in cement outside the legendary theater. A ceremony to unveil the display will be held tomorrow – including appearance by Jeanie Buss, Byron Scott and members of Kobe’s family!

Ellen K Morning Show You Won’t Believe What’s In The Oscar Gift Bags This Year! 🛍️

We love hearing about the Oscar gift bags and the crazy things they include! Whether they win or lose the Academy Award, the goodie bags are worth $126k, so no one really loses, right? The gift bags are sent to the nominees’ homes and came with free trips, products and services. The biggest-ticket items are a $40,000 trip to a private Canadian estate and a $9,000 trip to a restored lighthouse off the coast of Italy. Plus, liposuction and some even get gifted a piece of land in Australia!

Ellen K Morning Show Wet Nose Wednesday: Meet Champion 🏆🐾

Champion #A2037800 is a fun and energetic pup that loves to play in the yard, and would be a great workout partner. Dogs and cats adopted from LA Animal Services join their new families spayed or neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, and microchipped. For more information, visit laanimalservices.com.

Champion is a winner that’s waiting for you!

Ellen K’s Weekend Watch List ⚖️❤️📺

Ellen K's weekend watchlist graphic
Ellen K’s knows a thing or two about binge worthy recommendations! In fact, the entire team does! We highly recommend lots of “R&R.” Rest & relaxation pairs perfectly with a blanket, remote & TV! Here’s a list of shows and movies the entire Ellen K Morning Show team recommends:

Ellen K

  • “The Company You Keep” with Milo Ventimiglia on ABC/Hulu
  • “Daisy Jones & The Six” on Amazon Prime
  • “The Consultant” on Amazon Prime

Ryan Manno

  • “Shrinking” on Apple TV
  • “The Last Of Us” on HBO Max ***Top Recommendation by all of us!
  • “Ted Lasso” *Watch past episodes to catch up season 3 coming out March 15th!

Social Queen Darlene

  • “The Servant” Directed by M. Night Shyamalan on Apple TV
  • “You” on Netflix
  • “The Murdaugh Murders” Documentary on Netflix

Happy bingeing!

Catch up and let’s chat about it! Text us at: 51035 or leave us a voicemail anytime: 1-866-4EllenK 1-866-435-5365

Thanks for being the best part of KOST!